Our Top Stationery Picks for Creative Kids | A Better Kinder Awesome | Spencil
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Our Top Stationery Picks for Creative Kids

Despite many brands’ smooth claims, spoiler alert: there’s no one-size-fits-all stationery product that’s guaranteed to inspire the creativity of your little one.

You might have discovered this annoying little fact the hard way. When after spending a lot of time and effort planning and setting up a creative activity for the kids, it totally flopped. Yes, we’ve all been there. The frustration is real, but with a few little tips from us, almost totally avoidable!

Choosing the best stationery products for your kids starts with acknowledging that creative inspiration is as unique as each of the kids it comes from. How do you decipher which products will best meet the creative needs of your child? Consider their preferred medium of self-expression!

AKA are they; A painter? a Scribbler? a Writer? You’re sure to already know what makes them come alive. Once you’ve riddled that, you can use this awesome creative stationery guide to choose products that fuel that fire.

The Passion-based Stationery Guide

Drawing Makes their Heart Sing

After being absolutely wowed by hundreds of magnificent drawings entered in this year’s Spencil Art Prize, we know a lot of our MaD’s have some super keen scribblers at home.

However despite being highly perceptive and greatly inspired by the world around them, both inspiration and focus can be fleeting – particularly for the little artists who love to draw.

Combat this conundrum and fuel their passion with some on-the-go creative stationery, so they never miss out on creating something great.

  1. Silky Crayons

The best stationery to pack in a pencil case to go? The kind that won’t leak through their pencil case and make a mess of their bag.

Our 3-in-1 silky crayons are the perfect multimedium tool for artists on the go, as they can be used as crayons, pastels or even watercolour (depending on what the moment inspires them to create!).

Coming in 8 vivid colours (that with a little colour theory can be blended to make just about every colour in the rainbow), artists can draw or paint whatever they’re seeing or feeling at the drop of a hat. Imagine that!

  1. A5 Stitch Artist’s Sketchbook

They’ll need somewhere to put all those amazing pictures down on the page, no matter where inspiration strikes. Let’s hope for our sake it’s not a play date’s living room wall.

Our lightweight, A5 Stitch Artist’s Sketchbook, is comprised of 80 quality, 100gsm blank pages and a sturdy stitch bound spine – that’ll keep their sketches safe. Even while traveling between inspiration destinations and home, in their bag.

The beautiful and vibrant designs printed on the cover and a matching motif on every page will provide a little extra inspiration, too.

A Little Picasso in the Making

We’re always left feeling inspired by the vision and passion behind the works of our little painters but when it’s all said and done, who’s cleaning up all that mess? Is it dad or mum?

So to fix that little conundrum, we created a new mess-free painting product for you, ahem, and them!

3. Woodless Watercolour Pencils

Forget lying down newspaper, washing colour pallets and paintbrushes. With a set of 12 Woodless Watercolour Pencils, any little artist can turn their drawings into paintings by brushing them with water.

Without having to worry about setting up, supervising, and cleaning up – painting can be independent creative play for your little one and stress-free for dad and mum.

4. A4 Visual Art Diary

The perfect home-based activity, painters can take a little more time to work on their masterpieces.

Treat your little one to an A4 Visual Art Diary. With spacious pages permitting for larger and more expressive pieces and 128 blank pages to fill, artists can regularly catalogue their work in this wonderful journal.

Imagine how motivating and special it will be for them to be able to flip back through this journal to view their progress and the wonderful pieces they’ve created.

For Budding Writers

We love nothing more than reading the out-of-this-world short stories that pour in during the Spencil Writers Competition each year.

Treating your little writer to some new creative stationery will motivate them to practice their skills and enable them to share their writing with pride. I think we can all agree that awesome stationery inspires putting pen to paper!

5. Stationery Set

Nothing gets a writer more excited to get to it, than a brand new notebook. There’s something about those crisp pages, and the promise of what they can become. Bliss!

While one new notebook is brilliant, you can do one even better with our epic stationery…set!

Printed with gorgeous designs, each set comes with not one, but THREE spiral notebooks in various sizes and a colour-coordinated pen and pacer.

6. Gorgeous Note Cards

Our brand new, gorgeous note cards are perfect to get your little ones excited about writing and sharing their work with the ones they love!

Give them the opportunity to share their thoughts in style, with a beautiful keepsake box, filled with 15 cards and envelops.

Printed with their favourite Spencil designs in a gloss finish, they make delivering any message for any reason super fun and exciting!

The two gorgeous sheets of stickers the set comes with gives an added opportunity for kids to have fun while expressing themselves.

There’s no greater joy for us, than creating products that make kids feel excited and supported in following their passions and dreams.

Where passion goes, creativity flows and success grows.

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