Halloween Hacks For a Spooktacular Night In | A Better Kinder Awesome | Spencil

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Halloween Hacks For a Spooktacular Night In

Holiday tricksters, pumpkin lanterns and an abundance of candy can mean only one thing… it’s Halloween! Whether you have a little preschooler who loves to trick or treat for sweets, or a fifth grader who wants to dress up as their favourite character, it’s time to get into the spooky spirit!

If you haven’t come up with a Halloween plan yet, we’ve gathered some fantastic ideas to keep the little ones entertained. From easy DIY kids Halloween costumes and crafts for kids, to fun Halloween games – we’ve put together a list of Halloween activities that can mostly be done with things you already have at home!

Easy DIY Kids Halloween Costumes

As far as Halloween goes, kids are crazy about their costumes. Sure, you could go to the nearest Kmart or buy something online but where’s the fun in that? Flex your kid’s creative muscles this time of year and come up with something one-of-a-kind. You can try these easy DIY kids Halloween costumes:

Human Sushi

Just wrap a white blanket around your kid’s waist like a tissue roll. Then wrap a black garbage bag around the white blanked and top small orange balloons for the “roe”. Now you’ve got a costume that looks good enough to eat!

Where’s Waldo

Love crocheting? How about making a DIY Waldo hat? Just pair it with a red-and-white striped shirt and round black glasses for the complete look!

Baby Bunny

Find your toddler’s favourite onesie and pair it with a cute set of bunny ears for an easy (and adorable) Halloween costume!


An all-black ensemble and a witch’s hat are all you need to pull off this Halloween classic!

Halloween Crafts For Kids

Spooky costumes aren’t the only crafty part of Halloween. Let your kids use their creativity with these fun, scary and easy Halloween crafts for kids!

Coffee Filter Ghost Lollipops

These spooky ghost lollipops are a sure hit with kids of all ages! Just place the coffee filter over the lollipops and tightly tie a piece of ribbon around the “neck” of the ghost and use a black marker to draw the ghost’s face. So easy!

Halloween Treat Cups

Make your own goodie bags with these easy-peasy Halloween cups. Just bring used paper or styro cups. Let kids design each one using paint and sharpee markers. It could be a dinosaur, monster, or whatever they want!

Puffy Ghost

This is a super simple Halloween craft for young children using the supplies you probably have on hand. Just cut out a ghost shape on white paper and let kids cover it with cotton balls until the ghost is fully covered. The puffier, the better!

Halloween Games For Kids

Whilst trick or treating might be the main event, kids can also get excited about Halloween games that will keep the festivities rolling with spooky prizes and tones of laughter!

Pumpkin Tic, Tac, Toe

Create a tic-tac-toe board with some pen and paper. Find two different types of Halloween candy to use as the X’s and O’s and let the battle begin! Just keep a close eye on your pieces… they’re known to “mysteriously” disappear throughout the game!

Candy Jenga

Grab a bucket of relatively flat Halloween candies like Kit-Kat, Hershey’s bars, or Mars bars and take turns stacking them on top of one another. Whoever knocks the stack of candies first loses—and the winners get first dibs on their favourite!

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